Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Meal Prep

Hey everyone!

I hope everyone's week is off to a great start 😊 I know mine sure is! Several things happening this week that make it so awesome! The start of a new program, which always lights a fire under my toosh and meal place which took place on Sunday to help keep me in line this week.

I wanted to get into a little bit about my meal prep and the timed nutrition of 80 day obsession!!

Last week, early on in the week I sat down and started writing out my meals for the week in my Fitness Happy Planner

Here is what it looked like before I filled in all my meals.

First I sat down and figured out which colored containers I would be eating at which times and then I filled in all my workouts. After I was done doing that I filled in what I would be eating. For those that don't know Reds are proteins, Purples fruit, Yellows a Carb, Green Veggies, Orange dressings or seeds, Blue healthy fats, and Black's are tsp for nut butters or other fats (butter, cooking oils, ect).

After I took my time planning out my meals I went through my freezer and fridge to see what items I already had. Then I sat down at the computer and built my Click List order. If your local to Washington and have a Fred Meyer near you or if your not a local WA resident and have a Kroger near you then you have Click List and your missing out on the best thing around if you haven't used it. I've been using it since last November and not only is it a time save but it's also a huge money saver (and lets be honest, if you have kids it's also a sanity saver). Anyways, I built my order and placed it for pickup on Saturday afternoon after my son's basketball game.

Sunday after we played outside in the beautiful sunshine I hunkered down and spent 3 hours prepping my meals for the week.

I put chicken in the oven to cook and while that was going I started prepping my veggies. I cut them all up and placed them in airtight containers in the fridge to keep them fresher for longer! I also pulled out my insta pot and used it for the first time EVER (I've had it since October πŸ˜‚). I cooked up 3 whole, huge, mondo sweet potatoes in 25 min.

I added one cup of chicken stock to use as my liquid just to help give them a little flavor. I didn't peel them beforehand and when they were done and had cooled a bit the skins just came right off. It was so EASY!

I also made my own Balsamic Vinaigrette dressing, 21 day fix and 80 day obsession approved! And guys let me tell you... it's so delicious!

6 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
6 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 tsp honey
2 tsp dijon dressing 
1/4 fresh squeezed lemon juice

One of the meals that I made so far with this was a spinach and chicken wrap and oh my gosh! It was so good and I was 100% sad when it was gone, lol! 

I'll share a little more about what meals I'm eating in another blog post later on. So back to meal prep...

Once my chicken was done cooking and I had my other meats cooked up, turkey burgers and chicken and apple sausages. I started getting everything ready to go into their containers which I got off of Amzon.

I really like these containers which came from Amazon. They are reusable, dishwasher safe and have lasted me several years. 

Everyone's meal prep is going to look different and it's important to remember that. I didn't pre cook up and of my fresh veggies. Since I am home a lot of the week I just diced them up and had them ready to be cooked fresh instead of cooking them and reheating them. But if your someone who has a busier schedule I would suggest cooking up your veggies ahead of time. 

All done! πŸ™Œ

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Must have items in 2017

Hey guys!!!

I just thought I would do a quick blog post of my top items this last year. Some of them fitness related some of them not! I'll post the links for each item under their photos!

First up....

I actually found this product because of someone else's recommendation and absolutely LOVE it. I loved it with my long hair and even more with my short! It helps provide so much body and texture.

Next up...

If your like me and your always cutting veggies it can become time extinguishing and if your in a rush it can seem like it's taking F O R E V E R. So I picked up this veggie chopper and it is LIFE. I can chop up my veggies for the week, stick them in an airtight container and they'll actually last longer. Plus then they are prepped and ready to go right when I need them.

Third on my list...

I'm sure you've seen everyone talking about these leggings and how they are the next best thing to lululemons. I'll tell you, the first time I wore mine my husband thought they were lulu's and he made me show him the tag, lol! I currently own a couple pairs in HOT pink and a delicious blue color and I love them both oh so much. I love how they feel on and how I feel in them!

Fourth up...

If you follow me a lot on instagram  then you saw me posting all about these protein waffels! I was seriously making them EVERY DAY πŸ˜‚  I could not get enough! I found the recipe online from someone else that I follow. 

Recipe is as follows: 
7g Kodiak protein pancake mix
30g Canned pumpkin
46g Break-free liquid egg whites
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp vanilla
14mil almond milk

Go ahead and make them 😁 but don't say that I didn't warn you 😏 I topped mine with Walden Farms pancake syrup, mini choc chips, and a mix of fat free coolwhip and peanut butter.

Fifth on my list...

Pop Sockets!! Have you heard of them? Seen them around? Wondered what they were? I'm telling you they are AWESOME. Especially for someone like me who has a somewhat larger phone. And the best part is that when you get a new case you can just pop them off and attach them again 😱 Anything that can be re-used is an A+ in my book!

Sixth up...

I know, I know..I know what you're  thinking. Obviously because I'm a coach this would be one of my top recommendations. But you guys how could it not be? When it comes to working out at home the number one thing (in my opinion) and what's going to make it funner and easier is to LOVE the program your doing. If your not loving your program then your not going to look forward to working out. And I used to dread when I'd be done with a program because that meant that I'd have to buy a new one because lets be honest after awhile your going to get burnt out on doing the same thing over and over. But with the all access pass if you wanted you could do a new workout EVERY SINGLE DAY. You get access to all the workouts and you only have to pay one fee up front and then your good for the entire YEAR! Not to mention your going to save yourself some $$$ and who doesn't love to save money. You can find the link here: BOD all access  and as always feel free to reach out and ask me any questions you may have. With the launch of 80 day obsession coming this is HUGE!

And lastly...

I recently discovered Grove collaborative. 

I don't know about you guys but I've been hearing great things about Mrs. Meyers cleaning products for a long time. But I was one of those stubborn people who always thought that if a cleaning product were all natural it must not work πŸ™„ I didn't even have anything to base that assumption off of its just what I thought. Well, about 2 weeks ago I broke down and bought my first Mrs.Meyers cleaning spray at Target and no lie I was hooked after using it the first time! It's amazing and even my husband loves it and he's hard to please and picky about cleaning products! I found the site @grovecollaborative and placed my first order. I got a free 4 piece set with my order and only spent $20 on the 9 items you see pictured! Now, grove is a monthly subscription service but your orders can be flexible. Another thing I love is they offer a discount on all their products and Mrs. Meyers was hands down less on their site than any other. To get $10 off your first order click HERE

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Peanut Butter Protein Balls

Hey Friends!!!

When I went live on Facebook to share this recipe a lot of people showed interest. So I thought I would share the recipe here on my blog so that you have the option to save it! Whether it be by saving it to your timeline or pinning it on Pinterest.

This recipe is super simple, super delicious, and super easy. Even my kids love it! And honestly who doesn't love peanut butter!! 


  • 2 scoops of peanut butter protein powder - I linked the one I use 
  • 1 tsp unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 2 tsp stevia
  • 1/4 cup coconut flour
  • 1/2 cup almond milk (or cashew, coconut)
  • 2 tbsp all natural peanut butter 
  • 2 tsp mini chocolate chips

Mix all of your dry ingredients into a bowl, slowly add in almond milk, once added stir in peanut butter. I was able to get 9 protein balls out of my recipe made as is above. Roll into balls and place in fridge for at least 1 hour. Enjoy!

60 calories/ 3.9g carbs / 2.8g fat / 6.4g protein

Monday, January 23, 2017

Top 5 Fitness Must Haves

Hey everyone!!

It's been a hot minute since I got on and did a blog post so I thought today I would sit down and do a fun post about my Top 5 Fitness must haves. Now these are all just things that I love and couldn't imagine being on this journey without!  I'm sure that we all have our favorite things and these are just some of mine!

Number One:
Beachbody All Access Pass 

I know, I know..I know what your thinking. Obviously because I'm a coach that would be my first recommendation. But you guys how could it not be? When it comes to working out at home the number one thing (in my opinion) and what's going to make it funner and easier is to LOVE the program your doing. If your not loving your program then your not going to look forward to working out. And I used to dread when I'd be done with a program because that meant that I'd have to buy a new one because lets be honest after awhile your going to get burnt out on doing the same thing over and over. But with the all access pass if you wanted you could do a new workout EVERY SINGLE DAY. You get access to all the workouts and you only have to pay one fee up front and then your good for the entire YEAR! Not to mention your going to save yourself some $$$ and who doesn't love to save money.

Number Two:
Fitness Watch

I absolutely love my polar watch! I have the Polar ft60 which I got for $50 on Amazon. Knowing how many calories you burn during your workout isn't a must but here's why I love it. I have a journal where I plan out my weekly workouts and after each workout I like to record how many calories I burned just so I can go back later on and compare. It helps me push myself knowing that last time I burned X-amount of calories. So each time I'm pushing myself to do better and work harder. 

Number Three:

I just learned about BCAA's over the summer when I was doing a lot of lifting during Hammer and Chisel and let me tell you, taking them has made a huge difference. This one here is my favorite so far out of the several I've tried. Here are 3 reasons why you should be including them in your routine: 
  • Recover from workouts faster
  • Lose fat, not muscle
  • Improve your performance 
To read more about BCAA's click here

Number Four:

Cute workout clothes

DUH!! I don't know about you but when I've got new workout gear or my favorite pair of workout shorts on and I feel good about what I'm wearing I tend to enjoy my workouts more. New workout clothes can be motivating because when you look good you feel good! But we can't all afford to go out and buy new workout clothes every week or every time we tire of our current workout clothes. So instead use them as a reward for reaching your fitness goals. Give yourself something to work for. Then that new tank top and sports bra are doubly motivating.  

Number Five:

Textured foam rollers!!! 
Foam rollers have built in texture to push into the muscle and engage fibers to speed up the repair process.Your muscles are going to be sore from kicking ass at all of your workouts. Stretching and foam rolling are going to be important to give those muscle the relief that they need! 

Foam roller are key to injury prevention, especially for runner, cyclists, and weight lifters. The log-shaped roller is typically made out of foam, which has been shown to improve circulation, range of motion, and balance, while reducing pain and alleviating muscle tightness. Foam rollers are key to massaging away fascia build up in the muscles, which can prevent IT band syndrome Putting pressure on the muscle and slowly rolling into the target area is considered one of the most effective at-home self- myofascial release techniques. Flare ups in tight muscles could lead to injury unless they are kept loose and flexible. There's a lot to know about foam rolling so make sure you do plenty of your own research first!

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Marathon Dreams

When my friend first told me she was running a marathon I thought she was crazy. I mean who wants to run 26 miles? No sane person that's for sure! But then I decided that if it was ever something I felt like I might be crazy enough to do then now was the time. I would have someone to train with and I wouldn't be doing it on my own, we would be doing it together! And really more than the 26 miles that's what made it sound amazing. Running with my 2 friends and bonding over a what was sure to be a great experience.

I started my training and was doing great! I was getting all my runs in and feeling good, but then one snowy day after my 10 mile long run I noticed my leg was hurting more than usual. But I didn't let that stop me and I continued to run like that for another 7 weeks! Until I just couldn't run any more! I went to the doctor and started physical therapy. I missed 8 weeks of training because I wasn't able to run. It was heart breaking but I did my best not to loose faith and get me down. I was assured by many people that my marathon dreams weren't over yet. Once I started training again I took it nice and slow, I altered my training plan and was feeling really good about it.

3 weeks ago I went out for a long run with my friend we ran 16 miles, the most I'd ever run before! I was so excited about it. Around my 10 my knee started hurting but not enough that I couldn't finish my run. That week on my 2 other training runs I was in a lot of pain, I finished one 4 mile run but couldn't finish the other. The next week when we were set to run 18 miles I taped up my legs and boy did I use a lot of tape. I wasn't quite sure what my injury was which made it hard to tape for so my right leg I taped purely for preventative measures while my left I taped a few different ways since I wasn't quite sure.

This post got the most likes on my Instagram than any oter photo I've ever posted before! Lol. Sadly my tape job didn't help in the slightest as I only made it 5.5 miles of running and had to limp another 2 miles back to my car. It was really depressing actually and I felt bad leaving my friend to run the rest of the 18 miles alone. I took the next week off from running hoping that the rest would help, I iced my knee and wore some kt tape to see if it would help. After a week of resting I woke up bright and early the next Sunday to head out and attempt to run the 18 miles again. This time I only made it 2 miles. Yep. 2 whole freaking miles and I couldn't even limp back to my car this time, I had to call my friend and shamefully ask her to come and pick me up. I haven't attempted another run since then because I know that my knee isn't better. After hitting up google I think that my knee pain is actually being caused by my it band. The only thing that is going to help it heal is time and sadly I don't have time on my side right now. 

My family and I went on a fun hike this weekend, it was a shorty only 4 miles. It was absolutely gorgeous. There wasn't anything tough about it and it wasn't rough terrain, the trail was really nice and smooth. 

About a little over half way into the hike my knee really started hurting, I was limping and it just wasn't pretty. I spent the next couple of days getting real with myself. As of today there are only 17 days until this race. 17 days is just not enough time to heal, on top of the 8 weeks of training I'd already missed I'm adding 3 additional weeks onto that right now. To travel over to Seattle and try to do this race and not finish would be awful. Sure I could try to run it but at this point I can hardly run 2 miles and once my knee starts hurting there is now way that I would be able to limp the rest of the race. So I had to make the hard decision to bow out of the race. It makes me extremely sad to do this, I've already invested so much time and money into this race and now to be dropping out, I feel like a failure, I feel like I've let myself and my friend down. But I need to listen to my body as well, I don't want to make this injury worse and then not be able to possibly run long distances again. I'm going to recover, refocus and start retraining and hopefully do the Spokane Marathon that's in October. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Chicken and Cucumber Salad

Hey everyone! Been a little while since I sat down and typed up a post so today I thought I'd share with you all a quick, delicious, and healthy salad recipe. This cucumber salad recipe is a favorite around here during the hot summer months!

What you'll need:
1 lb Roma tomatoes
1 English cucumber
1/2 medium red onion, sliced
2 avocados, diced
2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil or sunflower oil
Juice of 1 medium lemon (about 2 Tbsp)
1/4 cup (1/2 bunch) cilantro, chopped*
1 tsp sea salt or 3/4 tsp table salt
1/8 tsp black pepper
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar  
1 Large chicken breast 

1. Place chopped tomatoes, sliced cucumber, sliced red onion, diced avocado, chicken, and chopped cilantro into a large salad bowl.
2. Drizzle with 2 Tbsp olive oil and 2 Tbsp lemon juice and 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar. Toss gently to combine. Just before serving toss with 1 tsp sea salt and 1/8 tsp black pepper.

Servings: 4 

Monday, April 4, 2016

How- To Eat Clean, 5 tips For Beginners

 If your not used to eating to eating a clean and healthy diet sometimes the hardest part about getting started is knowing where to begin. Everyone has a different idea and take on what clean eating  is! What's your idea of clean eating look like?

 I'm sure that each and every person would have a different answer to this question. Because there really is no 1 correct answer to that question because like I said above, everyone has a different idea on what it is. To me, clean eating means not eating junk food, not eating fast food. It means eating tons of fresh fruits, veggies, complex carbs, lean proteins and healthy fats. My version of clean eating does involve a cheat meal as well because let's be honest, we can't all be perfect all of the time. Not just me but a lot of people in health and fitness will tell you a good diet is 80% strict and 20% indulgent. One day I might keep my diet to lots of lean proteins and limiting my carbs, while other days I might eat more carbs than usual depending on which workout routine I may be doing. Eating clean is all about what works for you and your lifestyle, goals, needs and your routine.

 Below I will give 5 tips that I find to be extremely helpful when it comes to eating clean. That way when you do hopefully decide to make that leap, it will be a little easier for you.


1.) Read your nutrition labels. How often do you read the nutrition label on products that your buying? Probably not very often huh.I know I hardly ever did (did you know there is flame retardant in cooking spray). These labels tell you very important information that you need to know especially when your taking control of your health. There are a couple reasons why I read nutrition labels: 1.) Because sometimes I like to track my calories or my macros and it helps keep me accountable 2.) Because I like to know what's in my food that I'm buying (did you see my comment above about cooking spray). If you plan on eating clean then you need to know what's in your food and you don't want to be eating food with a bunch of ingredients that you don't know what they are and 3.) If you can't pronounce it then you don't need to be eating it. For example a jar of Spaghetti sauce shouldn't have 20 ingredients listed, its a freaking jar of Spaghetti sauce people. Don't know how to understand nutrition labels? No problem just click HERE

2.) Have a plan & support. I don't know about you but one of the things that helps keep me going is having support and people to keep me accountable. Which is why I offer monthly support groups to help keep you motivated on your fitness journey. The whole reason I got into accountability groups was because my husband is not into fitness, like at all! He lives off Mt.Dew and 2 corn dogs a day at work and I just can't do that. Even if you aren't into fitness, because lets be honest not everyone is, that doesn't mean that you can't eat healthy (in fact you probably should do it even more so than someone who is into fitness) but it's easy to fall off the wagon and loose your way. That's why having the support is so important. If you think your someone who needs that extra support leave me a comment below or send me an email at so we can get you going!

3.) Real Foods. You might be wondering what I mean by real food. When you think about real foods think of things that grow in the ground, grow on trees, flew through the air, ran on land or swam in an ocean or river. Fish, eggs, meat, veggies, fruits and nuts are all great examples of what real food is. I mean I hate to burst your bubble and tell you, but those super yummy twinkies you love so much, there's nothing real about those. Any food that is provided from drive through window, comes out of a box (delivery or not) is not considered real food. It's important to remember this!

4.Avoiding the dirty dozen. When shopping for produce it's important to remember that you don't always have to buy everything organic. Did you know in order for something to be certified organic in the produce section it can be as easy as simply removing a certain pesticide from a farmers mix. So while not everything you purchase in the produce department needs to be organic there are certain things you should buy organic, 12 to be specific. The 12 fruits that you should buy organic are: Apples, Peaches, Nectarines, Strawberries, Grapes, Celery, Spinach, Bell peppers, Cucumbers, Cherry tomatoes, Snap peas, and Potatoes.   These 12 items, also known as The Dirty Dozen should be bought organically because they will contain the most pesticides.

5.Realize it won't happen overnight. This is probably the most important step out of all of them. You aren't going to get everything right the first few weeks or even the first few months of eating clean. You have lived your whole life eating junk food, processed foods, watching t.v. commercials and looking at billboards that promote an unhealthy lifestyle. So much of this journey is a mental one, which again is why having support is so important. It takes A LOT of willpower and your going to want to give up. Because honestly eating like crap is a hell of a lot easier! But you'll get there, you really will and while the journey is long, it's always worth it!

To learn more about BeachBody click HERE